Keeping Your Child's Smile Healthy
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What’s in a toothpaste? Picking the right one for your child
Everything you need to know about choosing toothpaste for your child. By Lia Mendoza & Rebecca Eggers
Hidden in plain bite: Are dummies and thumb sucking giving your child dental problems?
Wondering if your child’s dummy is causing dental problems? Or if thumb sucking can lead to ‘buck teeth’?
The dentist’s magic tool: helpful happy gas
Happy gas is a special tool dentists can use to help their patients’ treatment feel quick, painless and anxiety-free – almost like waving a magic wand!
Little teeth with decay? Learn how stainless-steel crowns can save the day!
Everything you need to know about stainless-steel crowns for children.
Rough ‘n’ tumble and toothy troubles
Nurturing teeth-friendly eating habits from the outset
Brushing at every age
Learn how to brush your child’s teeth at every age and stage
Respectful parenting: Ways to manage resistant little brushers
Does my child need a space maintainer?
My child has had a tooth extracted. Do they need a space maintainer?
Mouthwash for your little one: YAY or NAY?
What are fissure sealants?
Why your child needs to see a dentist at 12 months of age
Get the facts on chalky molars
Choosing the right toothpaste for your child
Everything you need to know about choosing toothpaste for your child. By Lia Mendoza & Rebecca Eggers
5 myths about the first dental check-up
The first dental check-up should be fun! Find out why there’s no need to worry about taking young children to the dentist.
Dr Rebecca’s cheese & veggie muffin recipe
Full of hidden veggies with the tasty addition of cheese.
Do the sugar swap this easter
Swap all those sugary foods for a toy or an experience and bask in the glow of healthy teeth. By Dr Rebecca Eggers
Sweet food as a reward – Is it ok?
Using food as a reward or punishment can have a negative long-term impact.
Are electric toothbrushes better for kids?
All you need to know about electric toothbrushes for kids.
Flossing for kids
Learn all about why, how and when to start. Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth.
Tooth decay in children
What causes tooth decay in children and how to prevent it by Dr Rebecca Eggers
The first dental check-up
5 great reasons to book a 12-month visit by Dr Rebecca Eggers
How much fruit do kids really need?
Find out how much fruit your child needs and how it can affect dental health.